I have the greatest girlfriends in the world! Due to circumstantial conflicts (i.e... 5 kids in 4 years) my dream trip of going to Italy for my 40th birthday has been postponed. A girl's weekend was the perfect substitute, and we opted for Scottsdale for many practical reasons (warm in January, a little easier to get to, etc.). Eight of us were able to come, and a few others tried but couldn't swing it, but they were missed. Here is the group: from L to R it's Liz, me, JJ, Holly, Michelle, Caroline, Sarah, Tiffany. THANK YOU so much for flying in from DC, Colorado, California and Utah, you guys! I felt very loved, and it was seriously the perfect girly-weekend (food, sleep, shopping, makeovers, movies, girl chat, blow-outs, massage-ish thingy's).

Candy store with over-the-top huge candy. Matt loves licorice (though he's more of a Red Vines guy than a Twizzlers, but I still took this shot for him to text him while I was gone).

Appointments at the "Dry Bar" were really fun.

I wish I could remember the name of this restaurant - is it True Food or something like that? Anyway, all healthy and organic clever combinations. And, yes, Liz did get me/us some bad-for-you cakes, as needed! Thanks, Liz!

Here's Michelle, Caroline, Sarah and Tiffany

Me and Liz.

Holly, Tiff and JJ at the Dry Bar

Caroline added into this angle.
Thanks for making that weekend so memorable, ladies! I love you all more than you know and miss you like crazy. Hope to see you all again, soon!