OK - so this is Matt, doing my best to go back and recapture the details of where we left off from our first trip, in part complicated by my leaving the camera in Oleg's car so once we got home to SLC, we had no photos to build our story around. So the next several posts will be back in July and then I'll resume with the present day stuff.
Day 15 was a fun day with the kids and Gledhills - we went to the funniest/scariest little amusement park imagineable, it is surely the place all old carnival rides go when they die and go to heaven (or H - E - double hockey sticks [for my son and expletive enforcer, Nate]). I kid you not, many of these clunky rides must be at least 50 years old and appear to be held together by the latest coat of paint (seriously!). The kids just bumped from one ride to the next and thoroughly enjoyed the day - Dale, Becky, Cher and I all grew nauseous watching their antics. I tried to embed a vid of Ashley/Shaun on the ride but realiaed it was taken on my point/shoot and is a 42 meg file, so I won't be downloading that - would crash my fragile little modem setup! Watching these two on the ride was hilarious and I wish we were able to really capture Shaun's face for he truly looked as though he'd spew at any moment, green-faced and all.
The bumper cars were and OSHA hazard and both Dale and I bloodied our knees in the process. Knowing that this was their point of reference, I can only imagine how blown away they were with Lagoon and can't wait to see them at Disneyland (as much as I hate that place).
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